Step 1 Claimant Information
Step 2 Military Service
Step 3 Discharge & Aid
Step 4 Living Situation
Step 5 Family Contact
Complete Contact Details
(Spouse does not need to be over 65) Applies only to Married Veterans.

Based Upon Your Response…

Unfortunately at this time, based upon the response submitted, it appears the claimant may not be eligible to apply. If you feel you answered one of the questions incorrectly, you can start from the beginning. You may also call our toll-free number at 1 (888) 319-1117 for further assistance.

Please note, these eligibility questions are for your information only. The Department of Veterans Affairs makes the final decision as to whether the claim is viable.


Based Upon Your Response…

Unfortunately at this time, based upon the response submitted, it appears the claimant may not be eligible to apply. If you feel you answered one of the questions incorrectly, you can start from the beginning. You may also call our toll-free number at 1 (888) 319-1117 for further assistance.

Please note, these eligibility questions are for your information only. The Department of Veterans Affairs makes the final decision as to whether the claim is viable.


- World War II – December 7, 1941 thru December 31, 1946*
- Korean Conflict – June 27, 1950 thru January 31, 1955
- Vietnam Era – August 5, 1964 thru May 7, 1975**
- Persian Gulf War – August 2, 1990 thru a date to be set by law or Presidential Proclamation
**** If the veteran was in service on December 31, 1946, with continuous service before July 26, 1947, this is considered World War II service.
**** Veterans who were “In Country”, (Vietnam), prior to August 5, 1964 would use the following Official Wartime Periods for the Vietnam Era: February 28, 1961 thru May 7, 1975.

Veteran did not need to serve in combat

Based Upon Your Response…

Unfortunately at this time, based upon the response submitted, it appears the claimant may not be eligible to apply. If you feel you answered one of the questions incorrectly, you can start from the beginning. You may also call our toll-free number at 1 (888) 319-1117 for further assistance.

Please note, these eligibility questions are for your information only. The Department of Veterans Affairs makes the final decision as to whether the claim is viable.


* This diagnosis must be provided by a physician and might include, but is not limited to, issues regarding mobility, dressing, memory issues, communication, social interaction, and psychiatric impairments.

Additional Information Needed

A Confidential Information form will be provided to determine Eligibility to apply.

Based Upon Your Response…

Unfortunately at this time, based upon the response submitted, it appears the claimant may not be eligible to apply. If you feel you answered one of the questions incorrectly, you can start from the beginning. You may also call our toll-free number at 1 (888) 319-1117 for further assistance.

Please note, these eligibility questions are for your information only. The Department of Veterans Affairs makes the final decision as to whether the claim is viable.


***Please Note

Additional Information is Needed - Please Continue filling out the questionare
A Confidential Information form will be provided to determine Eligibility to apply.

Referral Source
